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Monday, November 25, 2019

Tense and Its Attributes


 Definition Tense is a kind  of a verb which shows the time and state of an action or event that use to define the proper action with respect to the time..

There are three types of the tense.

1. Present tense

2. Past tense

3. Future tense

Three categories are further divided in to four sub-categories:

A. Indefinite/Simple
B. Continuous
C. Perfect
D. Perfect continuous

Now, you will find the rules that we use to make a sentence correct according to the tense.

a)    Present indefinite or simple present

Rules for simple sentences:

Rule: sub. +v1+S/es +object (singular subject)
Rule: sub. +v1+object (plural subject)

We use s/es with verb, when subject in singular iF the subject is plural, and then we don’t use s/es.

For examples:
       1.    He eats the apples.
       2.    They eat apples.
       1.    Mohan plays cricket keep.
       2.    They play cricket.

     Rule for negative sentence.

    For examples:Subject +do/does +not +v1 +object.
    1.    He does not eat the apples.
    2.    They do not eat the apples.
    3.    Mohan does not play cricket.
    4.    They do not play cricket.

Rules for Interrogative

     1.    Rules: Do/ Does+ Sub+ v1+ object?
     2.    Rules: Q.W.+ do/ does+ Sub+ v1+ object?
For example:
     1.    Does he eat the apples?
     2.    Do they eat the apples?
     3.    Does Mohan play cricket?
     4.    Do they play cricket?
     5.    Why do they play cricket?

    Present Continuous Tense—

   Rules: Subject+ Is/Are/Am+ v1+ing+ object. 
     Rules for simple sentences—
     “ Is” is used with singular subject
     “Are” is used with plural
     “Am” is used with I
(     Something object is not present in the sentence)
      For examples: 
    1. My mother is cooking the food in the kitchen.
    2. They are reading their books.
    3 .I am worshiping the God.
    4. They are playing. (without object)
     Rule for Negative sentences:
      Rule: Subject+ is/are/am+ not+ v1+ ing+ object.
      For Example:
    1 . My mother is not cooking the food in the kitchen.
    2. They are not reading their books.
    3. I am not worshiping the God.
    4. They are not playing.

      Rules for Interrogative sentences:

    1.Rules: Is/Are/Am+ Subject+ v1+ ing+ object?
    2. Rule: Q.w.+ is/are/am+ sub+ v1+ ing+ object?
     For example:
   1  . Is my mother cooking the food in the kitchen? 
   2. Are they reading their books?
   3. Where am I worshiping the God?
   4. Why are they playing?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Direct-Indirect Narrations

Direct - Indirect speech ( Narration)

(A) Direct Narration: - Direct narration is a kind of speech which is reported by some other person exactly in the words spoken by the speaker. This speech is placed within inverted commas.
(1) She said to him ,"I am eating the food. " ( Direct Narration)

(B) Indirect Narration:-Indirect narration is a speech which is reported by some other person by using certain conjunction in place of commas and making necessary changes in the verb and the pronouns of the reported speech.
(1) She told him that she was eating the food. ( Indirect Narration)

Rules How To Change in Narration

* If the Reporting verb is in the past, the tense of the Reported speech change into past as follows.

(a) Present tense change into past tense

Present indefinite --- Past indefinite
Present continuous --- Past continuous
Present perfect --- Past perfect
Present perfect continuous--- Past perfect continuous

(b) Past tense change as follows

Past indefinite --- Past perfect
Past continuous --- Past continuous
Past perfect --- No change
Past perfect continuous--- No change

(c) will /shall change into would /should
( d) Modals are change as follows
May --- Might
Can --- Could
Should --- No change
must --- No change

How To Change Person To Person

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

                    Active Passive/Voices
Verb का वह रूप Voice कहलाता है जिसमे पता चलता है की कर्ता (doer ) कोई काम करता है या करता पर कोई काम होता है |
( The form of verb is said to be voice which tells about a person or a thing does.)
How To Define a Voice  :: a) In a active voice a sentence begins with a subject(like: they, the teacher,boy,jack etc.)
Example:: (i)They will do the work.
                 (ii)The teacher has punished the boy.
b) In a passive voice a sentence begins with an object(The work, the boy , the kite etc.)
Example:: (i) The work will be done by them.
                 (ii)The boy has been punished by the teacher.
Active Voice :: Verb का वह रूप active voice  कहलाता है जिससे यह ज्ञात होता है कर्ता (Subject ) किसी क्रिया (verb) को किसी कर्म (object ) पर करता है | 
(The form of verb is said to be active voice when a subject does a work at object)
Syntax  :: Sub+verb+obj .
Example::(i) Sita writes a letter.
                 (ii) They are playing the football in a ground.
Passive Voice :: Verb का वह रूप passive voice  कहलाता है जिससे यह ज्ञात होता है  कर्म (object  ) पर  किसी क्रिया (verb) का प्रभाव  पड़ता है |  
(The form of verb is said to be passive voice when it reflects an effect at an object).
Syntax ::  Object + helping verb + V3 + by + Subject
Example::(i) A letter is written by Sita.
                  (ii) The football is played by them in a ground.

1.1 ))  Simple Present  OR Present Indefinite Tense:

1.   Sub+V1+Obj+Other Words.                                   ( Active)     [Simple]
      Obj+H.V.(is\are\am).+V3+O.W.+by+Sub.             (Passive)     [Simple]         

2.   Sub+H.V.(do\does)+not+V1.+obj+O.W.                (Active)         [Negative]
      Obj +H.V.(is/are/am)+not+V3+O.W.+by+Sub.    (Passive)      [Negative] 

3.   Q.W.+H.V.(do\does)+Sub+V1.+Obj+O.W?           (Active)       [Interrogative]

      Q.W.+H.V.(is\are\am)+Obj+V3+O.W.+by+Sub?  (Passive)    [Interrogative]  

(a)  He helps his father in his old age. ( Active)     [Simple]
         His father is helped in his old age by him.  (Passive)  
   (b) People speak English all ove the world.( Active)     [Simple]
        English is spoken all over the world.(Passive)  

      2.(a) I do not go to your house. (Active)       [Negative]
        Your house is not gone to by me. (Passive)     
  (b)  No one desire riots. (Active)       [Negative]
        Riots are not desired. (Passive)
(    3 (a)  Why does she beat him?  (Active)       [Interrogative]
        Why is he beaten by her? (Passive) 
 (b)  Who teaches you English? (Active)       [Interrogative]
       By Whom are you taught English? (Passiv
Or   Who are you taught English by? (Passive) 

1.2)) Present Continuous  (Practice with Present Continuous)


               1.       Subject + H.V.(is\are\am) + V4 + Obj +O.W.  Active )            [simple]
Object + H.V.(is\are\am) + being + V3 + O.W.+ by + Subject.       (Passive

2. Sub + H.v.(is\are\am) + not + V4 + Obj + O.W.   (Active)        [Negative]
Obj + H.V.(is\are\am) + not + being + V3 + O.W.+ by + Sub.       (Passive)
3.       Q.W.+ H.V.(is\are\am) + Sub + V4 + Obj + O.W ?     (Active)   [Interrogative]
Q.W + H.V.(is\are\am) + Obj + being + V3 + O.W. + by + sub?       (Passive)    

Examples ::
(1)    I am going to my school daily                   (Active )      
My school is being gone to daily by me.          (Passive)    
They are reading the novel.   (Active )           
The Novel is being read by them             (Passive)                      

(2)    You are not eating the food .            (Active)                 [Negative]
The food is not being eaten by you.                  (Passive)   
I am dreaming ..                                 (Active)     
Dream is being dreamed by me..       (Passive) 

(3)    When are you doing your work?    (Active)          [Interrogative]
When are your work being  done by you?.    (Passive)
Who is doing your work ?   (Active)    
By Whom is your work being done ?    (Passive)

1.3)) Present Perfect  (Practice with Present Perfect)


1.       Sub+H.V.(has/have)+V3+Obj+O.W.               (Active)                 [simple]
Obj+H.V.(has/have)+been+V3+O.W.+by+ Sub.         (Passive)

2.       Sub+H.V.(has/have)+not+ V3+Obj+O.W.                     (Active)                 [Negative]
Obj+H.V.( has/have)+not+ been +V3+O.w.+by Sub.       (Passive) 

3.       Q.W.+H.V.( has/have)+sub+ V3+Obj+O.w?    (Active)             [Interrogative]
Q.W.+H.V.( has/have)+Obj+ been +V3+O.W.+by+Sub?       (Passive)    
      Simple ::
1-      He  has finished his work.    (Active) 
            His work has been finished by him.      (Passive)  

2-      The news has surprised us.   (Active) 
           We have been surprised at the news.     (Passive) 
3-      Somebody has picked my pocket.    (Active) 
           My pocket has been picked.   (Passive)   
Negative  ::

1-      We have not eaten the food yet.     (Active) 
            The food has not  been eaten by us yet.       (Passive) 
2-      Nobody can change destiny.      (Active) 
            Destiny cannot be changed.  (Passive)   

3-      He has not read the story.     (Active) 
           The story has been read by him.      (Passive)   

Interrogative ::

1-      Who has seen him?          (Active) 
            By whom has he been seen?    (Passive)   

2-      Have they invited us to the party?       (Active) 
            Have we been invited to the party by them?    (Passive)  

3-      Has Narendra Modi not made a movie to educate those living in slums ?     (Active) 
            Has a movie not been made by Narendra Modi to educate those living in slums ?   (Passive)   

1.4)) Past Indefinite (Practice with Past Indefinite)
Syntax :

1.                         1-      Subect + V2 + Object  + Other Word .          [Active]                   [Simple]
                  Obj + H.V.(was\were) + V3 + O.W.+ by +Sub.        (Passive)  
           2-     Sub + H.V.(did) + not + V1+ Obj +O.W.   [Active]      [Negative]
                  Obj + H.V.( was\were) + not + V3 + O.W.+ by+Sub        (Passive)       

           3-    Q.W. + H.V.(do\does) + Sub + V1 + Obj + O.W?   [Active]   [Interrogative]
                 Q.W.+ H.V.( was\were) + Obj + V3 +O.W.+ by +Sub?          (Passive)        

   Indefinite Past.
                                 1-  Dinesh caught a thief.       [Active]        

                                A thief was caught by Dinesh..      (Passive)  

                             2- She sold my old house.             [Active]        

                             3-  My old house was sold by her.             (Passive)  
                                               4--   He did not ask questions.  [Active]   

                             -Questions were not asked by him.       (Passive)

                                              5  -Teacher did not tell a story to students.    [Active] 
                              A story was not told by teacher to students.   (Passive) 

                                               -    Did they ask the question ?                 [Active]        

                                                     Was the question asked by them?        (Passive)  

                                     7-   Who did teach you the English yesterday. [Active]        

                               By Whom was the English taught  by teacher yesterday ? (Passive)  

Past Continuous   (Practice with Past Continuous)


1-Sub + H.V. (was\were) + V4 + Obj + O.W.      (Active)    [Simple]
   Obj + H.V.(was\were) + being + V3 + O.W.+ by + sub.         ( Passive)

2-Sub + H.V. (was\were) + not + V4 + Obj + O.W.      (Active)     [Negative]
   Obj + H.V. (was\were) + not + being + V3 + O.W.+ by + Sub.     ( Passive)

3- Q.W. + H.V.(was\were) + sub + V4 + Obj + O.w?  (Active)      [Interrogative
   Q.W. + H.V. (was\were) + Obj + being  + V4 + O.W. + by + sub?  ( Passive)    

1-      I was reading History in my school daily.              (Active)             [Simple]
                    History was  being read by me  in my school daily.   ( Passive)
2-      You were not eating the food .         (Active)           [Negative]
                    The food was not being eaten by you.        ( Passive) 

3-    When were you doing your work?    ( Active)     [Interrogative]

                  When were your work being  done by you?.   ( Passive)  

1.4))Future Indefinite (Practice with Future Indefinite)
Syntax :

1.      1-    Subect +H.V.(Will/Shall) + V1+ Object  + Other Word .    [Active]     [Simple]
      Obj + H.V.(Will/Shall) + be+ V3 + O.W.+ by +Sub.        (Passive)  
2-   Sub + H.V.(Will/Shall)+ not + V1+ Obj +O.W.   [Active]          [Negative]
     Obj + H.V.(Will/Shall) + not + V3 + O.W.+ by+Sub        (Passive)       

 3- Q.W. + H.V.(Will/Shall) + Sub + V1 + Obj + O.W?   [Active]   [Interrogative]
     Q.W.+ H.V.(Will/Shall) + Obj + V3 +O.W.+ by +Sub?          (Passive)   
4-  Q.W. + H.V.(Will/Shall) + not + Sub + V1 + Obj + O.W? [Active]  [(-) Interrogative]
     Q.W.+ H.V.(Will/Shall) + not +  Obj + V3 +O.W.+ by +Sub?          (Passive) 

1- Radha will dance tomorrow .[Active]     [Simple]
    Dance will be danced by Radha tomorrow.    (Passive) 
2- Mohan will take dinner at 7pm. [Active]     [Simple]
    Dinner will  be taken by Mohan at 7pm. (Passive) 
3- Pushpendra shall tell a lie in the court.[Active]     [Simple]
    A lie shlla be told by Pushpendra in the court. (Passive) 

1- Pakistan will not betray our country in any era.  [Active]          [Negative]
    Our Country will not be betrayed by Pakistan in any era.(Passive) 
2- We shall not accept the Diensh's marrige invitation. [Active]          [Negative]
    Dinesh's marrige invitation shall not be accepted by us.(Passive) 
3- Children will not read history in the tution class.[Active]          [Negative]
    History will not be read by children in the tution class.(Passive) 

1- Will they eat all the food before  the evening? [Active]   [Interrogative]
    Will the food be eaten by them before the evening? (Passive) 
2- Shall I teach you the gym-exercise? [Active]   [Interrogative]
    Will you be taught the gym-excercise by Me? (Passive) 
3- Who will propse you? [Active]   [Interrogative]
    By whom will you be proposed? (Passive) 
1.5)) Future Perfect  (Practice with Future Perfect)


1.       Sub+H.V.(will have/shall have)+V3+Obj+O.W.  (Active)  [simple]
             Obj+H.V.(will have/shall have)+been+V3+O.W.+by+ Sub.         (Passive)

      2.       Sub+H.V.(will /shall )+not+ have+V3+Obj+O.W.  (Active)     [Negative]
             Obj+H.V.(will /shall )+not+have+ been +V3+O.w.+by Sub.       (Passive) 

      3.       Q.W.+H.V.(will /shall )+sub+have+ V3+Obj+O.w?   (Active)      [Interrogative]
             Q.W.+H.V.(will /shall )+Obj+have+ been +V3+O.W.+by+Sub?       (Passive)

      4.       Q.W.+H.V.(will /shall )+sub+not+have+V3+Obj+O.w?   (Active)  [Neg+ Interrogative]
             Q.W.+H.V.(will /shall )+Obj+not+have+been+V3+O.W.+by+Sub?       (Passive)
     1-  We shall have played the match. (Active)  [simple]
           The match will have been played by us.(Passive)
     2-  People will have enjoyed the dinner in marriage. (Active)  [simple]
          The dinner will have been enjoyed by people in marriage.(Passive)
     3- I shall have wathched the movie with my friends. (Active)  [simple]
         The movie will have been wathched by me with my friends.(Passive)

    1- I shall not  have played the football . (Active)     [Negative]
        The football will not have been played by me.(Passive)
    2- Mira will not  have teach grammer to all students. (Active)     [Negative]
        Grammer will not have been taught by Mira to all students.(Passive)
    3- Pankaj will not have shot the crow in first attempt. (Active)     [Negative]
        The crow will not  have been shot by Pankaj in first attempt.(Passive)
    1- Shall I have taught English to you? (Active)      [Interrogative]
        Will English have been taught by me to you?  (Passive)
    2- Will the monkeys have eaten all the apples? (Active)      [Interrogative]
         Will all the apples have been eaten by the monkeys ?  (Passive)
    3- Shall we have travelled the tour all over the world ? (Active)      [Interrogative]
        Will the tour have been travelled by us all over the world ? (Passive)
    1- When will they not have seen that movie?(Active)  [Neg+ Interrogative]
        When will that movie not have been seen by them?(Passive)
    2- Will Ram not have joined the party in next month?(Active)  [Neg+ Interrogative]
         Will the party not have been joined by Ram in next month?(Passive)
    3- Who will not have taught you English?(Active)  [Neg+ Interrogative]
        By Whom will you not have been taught English?(Passive)

Impreative sentence :  such kind of sentences in which there is no subject to do the action but action is doing that is doing impact on the object are called thee imperation sentence.


V+ Obj.                            (Active)
Let + Obj. + be + V3.      (Passive)

(a)  Open the window. (Active)
Let the window be opned. (passive)

(b) Shut the door. (Active)
Let the door be shut.

Practise Examples based on the the obove Tenses.............

(1)   They have brought news for you.
(2)  He has repaired his quarters.
(3)  Who did this work.
(4)  Which student took you home.
(5) They will ask me a book.
(6) They made him captain.
(7) Do you know the lady.
(8) Their jokes disgusted me.
(9) The movie does not interest her.
(10)  Her behaviour shocked me.
(11) They  were searching the food in the forest.
(12) Do not go out.
(13) obey your teacher.
(14) I made him write a letter.
(15) Please give me some money.
(16)  Who painted it.
(17) Post the letter.
(18)  Newton wrote this letter yesterday.
(19) The storm has destroyed twelve houses.
(20) She will never forget. it


1.        News has been brought by them for you.
2.       His quarters have been  repaired by him.
3.       By whom was this work?
4.       Which student was you taken hom?.
5.       I shall be asked a book by them.
6.       He was made captain by them.
7.       Is the lady know by you?
8.       I was disgusted by their jokes.
9.       She is not interested by the movie.
10.   I was shocked by her behavior.
11.   The food was being searched in the forest by them.
12.   You are requested not to go out.
13.   Let your teacher be obeyed.
14.   He was made by me write a letter.
15.   You are requested to give me some money.
16.   By whom was it painted?
17.   Let the letter be posted.
18.   This letter was written yesterday by Newton.
19.   Twelve houses have been destroyed by the storm.
20.   It will never be forgotten by him.


Monday, October 7, 2019

Cerelals,Eatable Spices & Chemical Substances Name:

Ginger अदरक Mace जावित्री Barley जो Treacle चासनी
Campher कपूर Black Pepper काली मिर्च Nutmeg जायफल Cuminseed जीरा
Basil तुलसी Cassia तेजपात Cinnamon दाल चीनी Alum फिटकरी
Clove लौंग Sago साबू दाना Betel Nut सुपारी Dry Ginger सौंठ
Linseed अलसी Poppy Seed खसखस Liqourice मुलेठी Soap Nut रीठा
Pigeon Pea अरहर Flour आटा Comfit इलायची Horse Bean उरद
Minced Meat कीमा Buck कुटटू आटा Field Pea गोल मटर Jaggery खांड
Beaten Paddy चिवड़ा Bran चोकर Cheese छैना Oat जेई
Nigellia कलोंजी Vitriol कसोस Poppy Seed खसखस Ruddle गुरु
Cornear भुंटा Maize मकई Whey मट्ठा Lentil मसूर
Sugar Candy मिश्री Puffed Rice मुरमुरा Fine Flour मैंदा Semolina सूजी
Millet ज्वार Oatmeal जेई का आटा Broth शोरबा Seasamum तिल
Loaf पावरोटी Feast भोज Cream मलाई Gruel मांड